Kotex Wanita Inspiratif
Interface Indonesia
Brand Activation, Community Marketing, Digital Marketing

The Community Marketing Strategy That Optimized Kotex's Digital Channels

Kotex is a brand of feminine hygiene products with a rich history that stretches back to the 1920s. Owned and managed by Kimberly-Clarke, a multinational consumer products corporation active in more than 80 countries, Kotex currently ranks third in the Indonesian market for female sanitary napkins.

Locally, Kotex is a brand that only utilizes digital channels as its main communication tool, whereas the big 2 brands (Charm & Laurier) use conventional media channels heavily. The challenge placed upon Interface is to optimize digital channels that best uses multiple disciplines of communication such as events, community engagement, stories, comics, as well as public relations to enrich the content to be more than postings & Facebook ad placements. To this end, Interface devised a year-long digital strategy of highlighting the freedom offered to women by Kotex. This was achieved by creating and engaging consumer participation in a digital magazine that inspires and encourages females to express their creativity, innovation and ultimately, freedom. Through community marketing events combined with public relations, Interface created advocacy in reinforcing the inspiration that Kotex is a woman’s partner in her quest for identity and purpose.